Ahmedabad(Gujarat): The Ahmedabad Sessions court in Gujarat sentenced Arif Khan to 10 years in prison on Thursday for abetting his wife Ayesha to suicide, who jumped into the Sabarmati river on February 25, 2021. She had been continuously harassed by her husband due to which she took the extreme step. According to the Ahmedabad police, before dying by suicide, Ayesha spoke to her husband on the phone for 72 minutes. During the 72-minute call recording, her husband is heard telling at Ayesha, "Go die and send me a video of your death". Following this, she had sent a video to her husband Arif Khan before jumping in the Sabarmati river in which she had asked him to take her in his arms. The deceased said, "I'm like the wind, I just want to keep flowing. Remember me in your prayers, I don't know if I will go to heaven or not."
Ayesha had married Arif Khan in 2018, but had moved back to her parent's house in 2020 after alleged mental and physical harassment meted out to her by her husband. Even in 2019, a case was filed against him and his family for domestic violence and dowry harassment. The accused was finally arrested in March 2021. Following the verdict in Ayesha's case, Ayesha's father Liaquat Ali Makrani said that Ayesha died by suicide on February 25, 2021, the court took up the case for hearing five times and on Thursday the court finally ruled that Ayesha's husband Arif Khan was guilty. The court sentenced him to 10 years in prison.
Also Read: Ayesha suicide case: Husband produced in Ahmedabad Metropolitan Court
"We had high hopes from the court and the case had lasted for 13 months. Today, the court sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment. "Our daughter will not come back, but this decision has given us peace of mind. This would give a message to all the daughters that they should not die by suicide and fight for their rights. Ayesha was compelled to take this extreme step, but I don't want anyone to be in her state ever," Ayesha's father said.