Bareilly: A man was allegedly harassing a Class X girl by circulating her pictures on social media forcing her to quit school in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. The victim's family has accused the police of hushing up the case. According to the family members of the student, the accused was harassing the girl student by making her photo viral on Facebook and WhatsApp.
Also read: UP: Nine minor girls quit school after alleged molestation by teacher
The family alleged that when they approached the Mirganj Police Station four days ago, the cops there hushed up the case by challaning the accused for “breach of peace”. The family said that the constant harassment of the girl had forced their daughter to quit school as there was no action by the police. The girl's father demanded a fresh FIR against the accused to bring him to book so that the girl is able to resume her studies at school.
Pertinently, in a similar case, nine minor girl students in Uttar Pradesh's Moradabad had recently quit school after being allegedly molested by their teacher. The parents of the girls hailing from Bovadwala Majhra village and studying at Girls Junior High School in Kalajhanda said their daughters were making excuses for not going to school for the last few days. When the parents enquired from their daughters, the latter told them that the accused teacher Ishtiaq was sexually harassing them. The infuriated parents rushed to the school to confront the teacher. However, by the time the parents reached the school, the teacher had fled.