Chandigarh: The defeat of Shiromani Akali Dal has jeopardized Sikhs and the country, said the Jathedar of Shri Akal Takht Sahib, Giani Harpreet Singh. Shiromani Akali Dal has played an important role in the country, the Jathedar has pleaded to the people to imagine the consequences after the end of Shrimoni Akali Dal.
Giani Harpreet Singh said, "Many people who understand politics have been writing emails and calling to prevent the end of SAD whose end will be very horrifying for Sikhs and for the country as well."
He claimed that Shiromani Akali Dal was formed on December 14, 1920, and contributed to the Independence of India. "SAD was formed to spread Khalasa's message and it is not just a political party but it is a thought, belief, and people carry it within themselves. Now, Punjab is filled with hatred in terms of behavior, vocabulary, and SAD played an important role to keep that in order. SAD is needed to be back to hold Punjab from falling. He pleaded with all the members to imagine the consequences after the end of Shrimoni Akali Dal and never give up SAD's ideologies," he added.