Ghaziabad: An elderly couple was found dead in their house in Ghaziabad's Church Colony under the Tronica City police station limits on Tuesday. The matter came to light when their daughter, Rahima spotted his father lying naked and her mother outside the house with a noose around her neck. After receiving the information, police, along with the forensic team, reached the spot and launched the probe. The deceased were identified as Ibrahim and his wife Hajra, who used to work as a scrap dealer.
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The victim's daughter said, "When I returned home after buying milk at around 6 am I spotted my father lying naked over which I shook him trying to wake him up but he didn't respond. Then I started looking for my mother and rushed outside the house. I found her with a noose around her neck." SSP, Ghaziabad Muniraj said, "On receiving information, I reached the spot and inspected the crime scene. Nothing was missing from the house, we are trying to ascertain the reason behind the murder. A team has been constituted led by SP Rural to probe the case"