Amravati (Maharashtra): In a tragic accident, four persons were killed when two trucks collided head-on on Friday. The incident took place near Shingnapur village in Nandgaon Khandeshwar taluka. Locals said that the accident occurred when the drivers of both vehicles lost control over their vehicles while trying to avoid a pothole on the road.
Also Read: 2 kanwariyas killed, 4 injured in accidents
They also said the collision was so severe that one of the trucks transporting iron wires was found on top of another. The impact of the collision was such that iron bars penetrated through the bodies of both the truck drivers and the helpers. Due to the accident, the traffic on the Nagpur-Aurangabad highway has been disrupted and a large number of vehicles have been stranded on both sides. On receiving information, the Amravati police rushed to the spot and took up a probe after registering a case.