Deeg (Rajasthan): The local police here on Sunday arrested four bank employees for duping around 71 customers with a total of Rs 2.85 crores from the Deeg branch of the Central Bank of India located in the old Anaj Mandi. The employees purportedly committed fraud by giving loans to their victims under fake accounts. The matter came to light during the audit of the bank in the financial year 2020-21.
As informed by Deeg Kotwali ASI Siyaram Dhakad, the four accused have been identified as former Branch Manager Sunil Kumar Meena, Agriculture Finance Officer Neeraj Zone, Assistant Manager Anoop Chand Meena, and Manager Satyapal Meena. These 4 allegedly conspired in a systematic manner to provide financial facilities to dupe 71 of their customers by Rs 2,85,45,224, and distributed the money among themselves.
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Regional Head of Central Bank of India Kavita Thakur and Branch Manager Yogesh Kumar Raigar filed a complaint against the four and mentioned in their report that these employees ignored the rules for giving loans under various schemes, and opened 73 fake bank accounts in connivance with 71 people. To erase the trails of the crime, the criminals also made sure that no quotations given for loans, purchase bills, suppliers, etc. are generated in the first place.
The audit of the bank during the financial year 2020-21 revealed serious irregularities wherein the payments to be made to the suppliers under the Mudra loan were made to the applicants in their accounts, and the suppliers were paid separately. The loan amount was then siphoned off by connivance on the part of bank employees, borrowers, and others. Loans were given to the applicants without giving property papers, while the security amount was also not deposited in the case of housing loans.