Chennai: Andhra Pradesh police Friday arrested four recovery agents of an online loan app for allegedly making threatening calls to state Agriculture minister Kakani Govardhan Reddy after a borrower called the minister as his relative. It is learned that one Ashok Kumar from Nellore had borrowed Rs 9 lakh using a loan app and failed to pay it back.
After this, the loan recovery agents contacted people who were on the contact list of Ashok's mobile phone. They called the AP minister Reddy's number which was on Ashok's contact list. The minister's PA, Shankar, answered the call and when asked to pay up, transferred Rs 25,000 to the recovery agency. The agents continued to call the minister's PA and threatened him to clear the loan.
He later registered a complaint with the Muthukuru police. Following the complaint, Nellore Police arrested four loan recovery agents from Chennai for abusing and threatening Shankar. At least four mobiles, Rs 10,000 cash, and laptops were seized from the agency in Chennai.