Jaunpur(Uttar Pradesh): In a bid to reunite with her roots, a woman, Nirmala from West Indies arrived in Barigaon village in Barsathi police station area of Uttar Pradesh's Jaunpur. The woman travelled all over the village and met everyone to gather information about her family.
According to sources, in the year 1880, during British rule, the British took her great-grandfather Vishwanath Yadav with them to Australia. Since then her grandfather was living there. As the family grew, her relatives started living in many other countries including the West Indies, Guyana, Canada and South Africa.
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Village head Arjun Yadav said that Nirmala contacted the Indian Embassy and expressed her desire to visit her great-grandfather's birthplace and trace the family. The village head said, "The DM of Jaunpur has been contacted through the embassy. Nirmala reached the Barsathi police station after talking to the District Magistrate. Her family could not be traced yet."
Arjun took the woman with him to the village. Nirmala was very impressed upon reaching the village. The village head said that her family could not be traced yet, but she has accepted the village as her family and home. She went back to the ISKCON temple in Prayagraj, saying that she would come again.