Siwan In an unfortunate incident, five members of a family died after drowning in the Jharhi river (a tributary to the Gandak river) in the Anasav police station area of Siwan district. All the deceased had gone to the river to take a bath following a funeral ritual, as a family member had died a couple of days ago.
The incident happened in Kandhpakad village, where in the family of Ashrafi Sah, the death of his mother happened on Thursday. To perform the last rites, the family members have gone to the river to take a bath. Meanwhile, two people slipped and started deluging in the river following strong currents, in order to save them, three others went deeper into the river and they too got drowned.
Later, all the five dead bodies were recovered with the help of local divers and police sent them for post-mortem. All the deceased were said to be grandchildren of Asharfi Sah, who were identified as Ajay Sah (24), Vijay (22), Vishal (16), Ritesh Kumar (34), and Vikas Kumar (20)