Aligarh: A house collapsed on Sunday due to heavy rains at Chalakpur village in the Atrauli block of Aligarh district. Five members of the same family were buried under the debris. While three livestock died on the spot. Out of the five injured, the condition of the four is stated to be critical. Pravesh Kumar, Khemwati, Tirakhpal Singh and Rashmi were buried under the debris of the house. However, the villagers pulled them out of the rubble.
Also read: 3 killed, 6 injured in separate house collapse incidents in UP
A man and his daughter of the same family had gone out in the morning, hence, they survived. Meanwhile, neighbours rushed to the spot as soon as the house caved in and pulled the family members out of the rubble with great difficulty. The villagers informed the police about the incident. On receiving the information, police rushed to the spot and shifted the injured to JN Medical College and Hospital.