Srinagar: The Union Ministry of Home Affairs on Friday ordered the transfer of five IAS and one IPS officer, including Navin Kumar Choudhary and M Raju, who were posted in Jammu and Kashmir. According to an order issued to this effect, Choudhary, belonging to the Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Mizoram and Union Territories (AGMUT) cadre has been transferred to Mizoram while M Raju to Arunachal Pradesh. Others, who transferred include Sudhir Kumar (IAS, AGMUT-2005) on his return from deputation to the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD), MRM Rao (IAS, AGMUT-2007) from Mizoram to Goa, A Ashwin Chandru (IAS AGMUT: 2019) from Mizoram to Goa and Vikramajit Singh (IPS, AGMUT- 2004) from Kerala cadre to J&K.
Also read: Bureaucratic reshuffle: 17 IAS officers transferred in Karnataka