New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader has filed a complaint in Delhi against Shiv Sena leader and Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Raut for making derogatory remarks against BJP workers. It was stated that Sanjay Raut was accused of threatening the BJP workers during a TV interview.
An FIR has been registered at the Mandawali Police Station based on a complaint lodged by BJP Mahila Morcha National General Secretary Deepti Rawat Bhardwaj on December 9 against Raut. In her complaint, she has stated that Sanjay Raut made 'abusive statements' and also threatened their workers in an interview to a vernacular news channel on December 9.
Raut said, "He will literally bury them (BJP workers) all. Regardless it constitutes an offence punishable under Sections 354, 500 and 504 of the Indian Penal Code," according to the FIR.
Also read: Sharad Pawar had said 25 years ago that BJP is divisive but Sena realised truth in 2019: Raut