Lucknow: An FIR was registered at Saadatganj police station on Thursday against former UP Shia Central Waqf Board chairman Wasim Rizvi on the charge of rape, an official of the police station said. Earlier, on an application moved by the alleged victim, Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate A K Srivastava had passed an order under section 156(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure directing the police to conduct an investigation into this matter.
In her application, the woman claimed that her husband had been Rizvi's driver for four years. One day, Rizvi sent him out of station and then came to her house in the night and raped her, she has alleged. The woman also alleged that Rizvi took objectionable photographs of her, threatened to upload them on social media and raped her on several occasions after sending her husband out of station.
Read: Wasim Rizvi withdraws plea from SC seeking removal of Quran verses
She told her husband about her ordeal on June 11. They also faced threats from Rizvi who had come to know about them planning to file a police complaint, the woman claimed, alleging that since the Saadatganj police did not register her complaint they moved court. Considering that the complaint of the victim disclosed the commission of a cognisable offence, the court directed the registration of an FIR under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.