Chandigarh: An FIR has been filed in Chandigarh against Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, his sister Alvira and several officials of his company, Being Human Clothing. The complaint has been registered by a businessman, Arun Gupta, who hails from Manimajra, Chandigarh.
According to Arun Gupta, he had opened the showroom of Being Human and had spent close to 3 crores. But the company is not sending him the merchandise from Delhi. He has alleged that even the company's website was down. Arun Gupta has mentioned in his police complaint that he was cheated of crores of rupees in the name of Salman Khan's Being Human Clothing. Due to this reason, he has filed a case against Salman Khan, his sister Alvira, Being Human CEO Prakash Kapare and several officers of the company.
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The businessman has revealed that Salman Khan had asked him to open a showroom in Manimajra, Chandigarh. He opened a showroom under the brand name Being Human Clothing. He spent around 1 crore to build the showroom and 2 crores for refurbishing the showroom. He further added that Salman Khan had also called him on the sets of Big Boss and expressed his happiness over the opening of the showroom. Salman also promised to visit for the inauguration of the showroom but didn't turn up due to his prior commitments.
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Meanwhile, Chandigarh Police has confirmed the FIR registered by the businessman Arun Gupta. They have given 10 days to Salman Khan and others mention in the FIR to file their replies.
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