Hyderabad: Madhapur police are on the lookout for the managers of an IT Company who allegedly duped scores of job aspirants to the tune of Rs 15 crore. It is said that the IT company 'Innohub Technology India Pvt Ltd' had recently advertised software job vacancies. Candidates were first interviewed online and then an oral test was conducted at the office while offer letters were provided to the selected candidates.
Meanwhile, those candidates who were shortlisted were asked to deposit Rs 2 lakh-3 lakh for the training scheduled to last for two months. The victim candidates who had deposited the training fees said that the company's website and emails were then blocked. It was then that they realised they had been deceived and then around 60 such candidates approached the Madhapur police. Police are now searching for Company representatives Kamaleshwari, Rahul, Alok, Vaishnavi, Mudra, and Pradeep.
Also Read: Hyderabad: Man held for running fake govt job racket