New Delhi: Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu said on Monday that External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar will issue a statement in the Upper House on the Russia-Ukraine crisis on Tuesday. Naidu lauded the efforts of the Centre and the State governments in relation to the evacuation of Indian students from war-ravaged Ukraine.
During the Zeo Hour MPs of several parties expressed concern over the future of students, who had to return from Ukraine in the middle of their studies. Telugu Desam Party (TDP) MP K Ravindra Kumar said that since the security of the students has now been ensured, the Union government must make efforts to secure their future in consultation with all stakeholders.
Congress MP KC Venugopal said that the families of the students, who have returned from Ukraine, are worried about their future. "The government must spell out the measures it is taking to accommodate medical students, who were forced to return from Ukraine leaving their degree midway," he added.
Biju Janata Dal (BJD) MP Dr Amar Patnaik said that two to five per cent of seats in all government and private colleges should be reserved for students, who have returned from Ukraine. Trinamool Congress MP Dr Santanu Sen demanded that the Union government initiate special measures to accommodate the students concerned in colleges across the country.
Also read:Jaishankar writes to MPs on evacuation of Indians from Ukraine