Amritsar: The IED discovered under the vehicle of a Punjab Police official in Amritsar on Tuesday morning was revealed to weigh around 2.7 kg on Wednesday. According to the police, the explosive material has been identified as RDX. Speaking to the media, ADGP RN Doke said, "The RDX discovered has been estimated to be 2.7 kg. Any possible links to terrorist organisations is being probed. The investigation is being carried out under the supervision of CP, Amritsar."
"We hope we will be able to confirm till evening how many people were involved in the incident, and who planned this. A mobile phone has been discovered at the site which was used to trigger the explosive. Our teams are working on it, and very soon we will be able to round-up people behind the act," he further stated. Significantly, Doke also confirmed that the incident was likely to be part of cross-border terrorist activities.
Also read: Bomb in cop car in Amritsar, CCTV captures bike borne men planting it
The Punjab Police operative in question is Sub-Inspector Dilbagh Singh, employed with the Crime Investigation Agency (CIA). CCTV footage from the area displayed two bike-borne individuals on Monday night keeping the device underneath Singh's car. Following this, a complaint was registered at the Ranjit Avenue Police Station of the city.