Bengaluru (Karnataka): Everyone should abide by the Karnataka High Court order on hijab row, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai told media persons on Tuesday after attending the business advisory committee meeting of the state Assembly. The Karnataka High Court on Monday adjourned the hearing on the petitions filed in connection with the hijab row in schools and colleges till Tuesday. Last week, the high court had restrained students from wearing hijab or any other religious attire until further orders.
"Schools up to 10th standard have reopened today (Monday). A few incidents have been reported from various districts. A meeting would be convened to discuss the standard operating procedures. School managements, principals and parents share the responsibility of obeying the high court order. It will create a conducive atmosphere for the high court to deliver its final judgement. We should maintain restrain till then," Bommai said.
Governor Thawar Chand Gehlot has presented a clear picture about the measures taken by the state government to manage Covid and floods in the state, Bommai said. The Chief Minister in his response to Gehlot's address at the joint session of the state legislature said that the Governor presented a clear picture about the way the state government managed Covid, floods and the progress achieved in many sectors amid the challenges.
Responding to Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah's charge that the state government has forced the Governor to tell 'lies', Bommai said, "I will present more clear facts when I reply in the House. The Opposition will get the reply in the House. People will decide what is true and what is a lie."
Karnataka Primary and Secondary Education Minister BC Nagesh on Monday announced the government's decision of reopening pre-university colleges and degree colleges in the state starting February 16. The decision follows the Karnataka High Court's order on February 10, allowing educational institutions to resume classes for students. The HC took the decision on the sidelines while hearing the hijab row. On the latter issue, the court asked students not to wear any religious garment on campuses till the matter was disposed of.
Following the High Court's directions, the Karnataka government on Monday decided to resume classes for junior and degree college students. The decision was taken at a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai with Ministers of Home, Primary and Secondary Education, Higher Education Departments, and senior officials. The decision was taken by the three-judge bench of Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice J M Khazi, and Justice Krishna S Dixit.