Mumbai (Maharashtra): The 30-scrip Sensitive Index (Sensex) on Monday opened on a negative note during the morning trade session. At 10 am, the S&P BSE Sensex of the BSE traded at 59,235 points, down 0.67 per cent.
It opened at 59,710 points from the previous close of 59,636 points. Till now it touched a high of 59,778 points and a low of 59,125 points.
On the other hand, the broader 50-scrip Nifty at the National Stock Exchange (NSE) opened at 17,796 points after closing at 17,764 on Thursday.
On Friday, markets were closed on account of Guru Parab. It traded at 17,649 points, down 0.65 per cent during the early-morning trade session.
Reliance Industries and State Bank of India stocks were in red in the early trade on Monday.
(With agency inputs)