Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday said there are enormous potential and possibilities of film-making in Bihar, and his government has taken several measures to promote movie production in the state. A state-of-the-art film city is already being constructed by the state government in Rajgir, besides developing Shekhodevra in Nawada. Natural cinematic treasures in the state are enough to attract filmmakers. Now, the ease of film-making and facilitating full institutional support to filmmakers must be enhanced in the state, Kumar said.
Films promote tourism and generate employment for the people of Bihar, the CM said, adding, movies also portray the state's rich culture and traditions. Earlier in the day, during a meeting, officials briefed Kumar about the key features of the draft Bihar Film Promotion Policy, which includes financial incentives for film-making in the state, special subsidy for regional cinema, single-window clearance for all government permissions, security and safety arrangements. At the Indian International Film Festival in Goa, the state's Minister for Art and Culture Jitendra Kumar Rai, had said last week that the Nitish Kumar government was giving final touches to the policy. (PTI)