Tirupattur (Tamil Nadu): The National Intelligence Agency (NIA) arrested Anaas Ali from Ambur, who is studying the third year in a private engineering college in Arcot. Immediately, he was taken to Anaikattu Police Station in the Vellore district for an investigation on Saturday. Later, the NIA and Special Investigation Agency officers interrogated the student for about 14 hours at the police station. At that time, they came to know that the student was in touch with the ISIS terrorist organisation and he liked and shared the posts of ISIS on social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram.
Also read: ISIS conspiracy cases: NIA conducts raids at 20 locations in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
It has come to light that he hatched a conspiracy to eliminate a prominent person in Ambur. Furthermore, the investigation revealed that there he had planned to bomb and blow up the house of the non-Muslims in order to intimidate them. It is also revealed that he has collected information and planning to join the banned organisation.
The officers of the IT wing of the NIA found that he was in possession of two cell phones and one laptop. Later, policemen led by Ambur Deputy Superintendent of Police Saravanan brought Anaas Ali to the Ambur City Police Station. After that, they registered cases under eight sections and sent him to the Vellore Central Jail.