Amritsar: Two gangsters involved in the murder of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala were killed during an encounter in Amritsar on Wednesday. The two slain gangsters have been identified as Jagroop Singh Rupa and Manpreet Singh alias Mannu Kusa. The encounter broke out earlier in the day at the Bhakna village in Amritsar. The area was subsequently cordoned off and people were advised to stay indoors.
The encounter was carried out by the Anti Gangster Task Force of the state police. Speaking to the media after the gunfight, AGTF chief Parmod Ban said, "All those who had played a role in the assassination of Sukhdeep Sidhu (Sidhu Moose Wala) had been arrested so far. The two shooters who carried out the crime were absconding until today."
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"Based on inputs, AGTF carried out the operation, leading to an intense firefight between the two sides. Mannu and Rupa both died during this exchange of fire. An AK 47, a .30mm pistol, and a bag have been recovered at the site. The forensics team has been summoned, and they will be checking the contents of the bag," the police officer said.
He added that three police personnel had sustained minor injuries and one journalist was also injured during the shootout. Moose Wala was shot dead in Moosa village in Punjab's Mansa district on May 29.