Ballari (Karnataka): Five people on Sunday suffered injuries due to electrocution during Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Yatra here near New Moka village. Rahul Gandhi had a close shave from the shock as the SPG team rescued him. The witnesses said that five people including Moka Grama Panchayat President Ramanna were holding a Congress flag and the iron rod touched the open electricity supply line leading to a mishap.
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Gandhi, who visited Moka Hospital to inquire about the injured party people, announced free treatment and compensation of one lakh each. The five injured party members are admitted to the Moka hospital and are recovering from injuries, said MLA Nagendra. Rahul Gandhi, under Bharat Jodo Yatra, has covered a distance of 1000 KMs while the yatra is heading to Andhra Pradesh from Karnataka's Ballari district.