Gorakhpur: A 70-year-old man has recently married his son’s widow who is 28, in Uttar Pradesh's Gorakhpur district. The couple's wedding was solemnized at a local temple in Barhalganj Kotwali area. The couple remain tightlipped about what transpired and how they got married.
Meanwhile, a photograph of the newly wed couple wearing garlands and the groom putting vermillion on her forehead has trickled out in the social media earning him both bouquets and brickbats. The 70-year-old Kailash Yadav works as a Chowkidar by profession. The resident of Chhapiya Umrao village Kailash was married to his daughter-in-law Puja.
According to relatives, Kailash lost his wife 12 years ago and has remained unmarried until now. He has four children. Puja's husband died a few years ago. Puja was the wife of Kailash's third child. On what prompted the sudden wedding, villagers claimed that widowed Puja was planning to enter into a wedlock with some other person. On the other hand, Kailash cared for the young woman and he preferred marrying her to keep providing for her.
He didn't care much about the society. After the completion of marriage rituals, Kailash came home with his newly-wed wife Puja. Kailash was not responding to any of our questions, said another villager. A section also questioned the wisdom of the elderly person marrying his widowed daughter in law at this juncture of life.
"Kailash would have coaxed Puja for the marriage when he came to know about her future plan. And, I don’t think they would have entered into a wedlock without a mutual agreement. After all it they need mutual consent to live as life partners,” another villager said.