Koraput(Odisha): In a shocking incident, an elderly man was tied to an electric pole and brutally beaten to death by his brother and his family members. The incident took place at Uparakutinga village under the Laxmipur block of Odisha’s Koraput district. The deceased was identified as Kursha Maniaka. According to reports, a dispute emerged between Maniaka and his brother's family as he broke the asbestos sheets of his brother's son house on Friday.
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The incident turned violent as Maniaka’s brother, son and daughter-in-law tied him to an electric pole and thrashed him with a stick. The victim sustained injuries due to the assault and died on the spot. Later, the accused cremated the body with the help of some villagers. However, the incident came to light as a video of the elderly man being beaten went viral on social media. The Laxmipur police on Sunday raided the village and nabbed one of the three accused while two others managed to flee. Meanwhile, the police launched a man-hunt to nab the other accused, who are at large.