Nagpur: A 62-year-old man and a 24-year-old youth were arrested for allegedly raping two minor girls in Kapil Nagar and Jaripatka police station areas in Nagpur city in Maharashtra. In the first incident, the victim was raped by her grandfather while she was sleeping near him, her mother said in the complaint. She said she noticed that the accused was taking advantage of her daughter.
When she told other family members about this, they all advised her to keep quiet. The woman remained silent fearing that the image of her family would be tarnished. However, she was upset when her father again abused her daughter prompting her to lodge a complaint against her father at the Kapil Nagar police station.
In the second incident, accused Nilesh Limbade befriended a 12-year-old girl living next door and called the victim home two days ago where he raped her. When the girl's parents came home, she told them about the incident after which the girl's parents went to Jaripatka police station and lodged a complaint against the accused. Both the accused have been arrested by the police.
Also read: Maharashtra: Man arrested for raping teenage girl in Thane