New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday issued summons to Delhi Minister Satyendar Jain's wife Poonam Jain in connection with a money-laundering probe, an ED official informed. Mrs Jain has been asked to appear before ED investigators at its headquarters on July 14.
ED summons Delhi Health Minister's wife in money laundering case
Delhi Minister Satyendar Jain's wife Poonam Jain has been asked to appear before ED investigators at its headquarters on July 14.
ED summons Delhi Health Minister's wife in money laundering case
New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday issued summons to Delhi Minister Satyendar Jain's wife Poonam Jain in connection with a money-laundering probe, an ED official informed. Mrs Jain has been asked to appear before ED investigators at its headquarters on July 14.
Poonam Jain summoned by ED