New Delhi: The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Tuesday held a meeting with the Special Observers appointed for assembly elections in the five poll-bound states this year. As per a release by the ECI, 15 civil servants with prior knowledge of electoral processes have been included as special observers. They will have their work cut out, as they will be working to ensure stringent enforcement of electoral norms, as well as address complaints received from voters.
CEC Sushil Chandra said that the objective to assign the observers was to assess poll preparedness. Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said the experience of the special observers was necessary to ensure a level playing field and prevent any deviations from the ECI's SOPs.
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Kumar said the special observers, as the face of the commission on the ground, need to guide central observers and the election machinery in the field to ensure smooth conduct of the election processes. He pointed out that impartiality, fairness, visibility, accessibility and alertness of these senior officers will ensure the implementation of the commission's instructions in letter and spirit, the release stated.
The special observers will visit their allocated states and start their work with state chief electoral officers and deputy election commissioners concerned. Fellow Election Commissioner Anup Chandra Pandey specifically directed the observers to make sure COVID guidelines issued by the ECI are maintained on ground level.