Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): An alcoholic father killed his four-month-old son and then fled the spot in Bhopal. The police are looking for the absconder. Besides, a probe into the incident has been initiated, police said on Sunday. Accused Sanjay Verma hailing from Kichalipur in the Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh had gone to his in-laws' place to bring back his wife. Sanjay's wife was staying at her parents' place, along with her two sons for quite some time. The wife of the accused was staying at Gondermau locality in Bhopal, police said.
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Before leaving the place, along with his children and wife, the accused consumed alcohol. The wife of the accused then suggested to him to reschedule the plan. Peeved over this, he snatched the child from the mother's lap and threw him away. The child hit a wall and sustained injury. Thereafter, the accused strangled the baby boy to death and fled the spot. "We started grilling neighbours, the mother of the deceased child and her family members," said a police officer. Meanwhile, the police launched a man-hunt to nab the accused.