Kushinagar (Uttar Pradesh): A man set his wife and two children on fire by pouring petrol over them while they were sleeping in the Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh on Thursday midnight. His wife died while undergoing treatment, while the condition of both the children is serious. The accused is identified as Ramsamujh of Fard Mundera in Kaptanganj village works as a labourer. The deceased was identified as Subhavati Devi (32). The couple blessed with three children Muskaan (10) Ankit (8) and Karan (4).
According to the police, the couple had a heated argument and soon after Ramsamujh left the house. However, he returned to house at 12 am on Thursday night with petrol and poured it over his wife and his two children and set them afire and escaped. The neighbours rushed to their house after hearing their screams and somehow they managed to douse the fire and informed the police.
Also Read: Bihar: Woman dies after being set ablaze in Sasaram
After the police reached the spot, the three have been shifted to the Gorakhpur Medical College where the accused's wife and son died while undergoing treatment. However, his eight-year-old son Ankit escaped as he was sleeping in another room said, "My father left the house after quarrelling with his mother. Late yesterday evening again he came to under the influence of alcohol and started quarrelling. Mother took us all and hid in the next school. When he left my mother went to sleep in the room with us. Then the screaming of mother and sister was heard. My father has poured Kerosene on them and set them on fire. I hid under the bed. But the younger brother, sister and mother got scorched in fire along with mother and elder sister."