Guwahati: Heroin and cannabis worth over Rs 15 crore were seized and nine people arrested from three districts of Assam, police said on Thursday. Acting on a tip-off, police intercepted a vehicle at Badarpurghat in Karimganj district and recovered 621 gm of heroin. The vehicle was coming from Mizoram and three persons travelling in it were arrested, they said.
The value of the seized drugs was estimated to be Rs 4 crore, they said. In another operation, the Guwahati Police intercepted a truck in Jorabat near the Meghalaya border and seized 2,500 kg of cannabis. Two persons were arrested in the operation. The value of the seized drugs is over Rs 1 crore, police said.
In Karbi Anglong district, police seized two vehicles at Dilai Tiniali on Wednesday night after recovering 1.26 kg of heroin while it was being transported from Dimapur in Nagaland to Nagaon in Assam, they said. The seized heroin was kept in 100 soap boxes and hidden in the airbags of the vehicles. Four people were arrested in this operation, police said. The seized heroin was worth over Rs 10 crore, they said.