Ghaziabad: A video of a dog being brutally killed by hanging from a chain alongside a pillar went viral in Ghaziabad of Uttar Pradesh. As it triggered a wave of shock and rage, the higher authorities have ordered the Tronica City Police in Ghaziabad to probe into the barbaric incident. The miscreants played tug of war with the rope tied around the neck of dog.
Two young men can be spotted in the video executing the brutal killing of the dog, while a third one stands and watches. The incident is said to have taken place in Elaichipur locality in Ghaziabad. The dog was hanged with a chain suspended from a wall. And not only this, the two men had tied the dog's neck with a rope and were pulling it forcefully in opposite directions.
Also read: Animal cruelty: Dog and its pup hanged to death in Thane, miscreant unidentified
With the video going viral, people have demanded strict action against the miscreants. With pressure mounting, Ghaziabad police took cognisance of the matter and tweeted that Tronica City police have been directed for necessary action. The motive behind the barbaric killing of the dog is not known and the police are on the lookout for the miscreants.