New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Gautam Gambhir, who has received a series of death threat emails, said he is not afraid and added that the Intelligence Bureau is investigating the matter. The cricketer-turned-politician inaugurated the first match of East Delhi Premier League at Yamuna Sports Complex on Tuesday. He also motivated the players.
Speaking to ANI, the BJP MP said, "The Final of East Delhi Premier League will be played on December 15. The is the first time that this kind of league is happening in Delhi where young talents take part in professional cricket. All the participants are from the underprivileged sections of society. Some sell vegetables or run tea stalls. This is the first season. I am very excited."
Asked about the threat mails, Gambhir said, "I do not have any kind of fear. Intelligence Bureau (IB) investigation is on. But I do not stop myself to do work and take part in such types of events. My main focus is on the success of this event now."
Read: BJP MP Gautam Gambhir receives another e-mail from ISIS-Kashmir
Gautam Gambhir had received a third threat email last week from 'ISIS Kashmir' which says that even Delhi Police will not be able to protect him.
"The third mail is challenging Delhi Police. It is written in the email that Delhi Police will not be able to do anything. They have spies in Delhi Police too and every information about Gambhir is reaching to them," said a source.
As per sources, this comes after an account handler Sahid Hamid was identified by the police behind the earlier emails. The first email which was received by Gambhir read, "We are going to kill you and your family. We intended to kill you, but you survived yesterday. If you love the life of your family, stay away from politics and the Kashmir issue," read the second mail.
Following the threats, security has been increased outside Gambhir's residence. Further investigation is underway.