New Delhi: Taking suo moto cognizance of the Uttar Pradesh government's decision allowing 'Kanwar Yatra', the Supreme Court on Wednesday said that it is a little disturbed over the state government's decision. The SC bench comprising of Justice RF Nariman and Justice BR Gavai said, "In the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are a little disturbed with Wednesday's headline in the July 14 Indian Express newspaper about the Kanwar Yatra which is likely to be held from July 25."
The apex court said that news just above this headline talked about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's meet with the Chief Ministers of Northeastern states where he said that it is the government's responsibility to stop the third wave and it cannot compromise even a little bit. "Given the disparate political voices, all speaking at the same time, it is important that the relevant secretary, Union Of India, respond to this news report," said the court.
Read:| Uttar Pradesh to allow Kanwar yatra this year
It issued notice to the Central, Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand governments seeking responses by them by July 16 morning as the yatra has to commence from July 25. The court also asked for its order copy to be sent to the Chief Justice of India, and posted the matter for the next hearing on Friday.
Read:| Kanwar yatra: UP govt wants minimum number of pilgrims; RT-PCR test can be made mandatory
The Yogi Adityanath government on Tuesday allowed the yatra from July 25 despite concerns raised in various quarters over the risk posed by such events in triggering a possible third wave of COVID-19. Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand government has cancelled the 'Kanwar Yatra' given a possible third wave.
(with agency inputs)
Read:| U'khand govt cancels Kanwar Yatra in view of COVID pandemic