Sagar (Madhya Pradesh): At a time when the entire North India is reeling under extreme cold, Jain monk Virag Sagar Maharaj was spotted leaving for Patharia on a foot march at 7 am in dense fog and very low temperature on Thursday. While everybody is wearing sweaters and warmers to fight cold weather, the Jain Muni was spotted unclad with only a plastic cover around him and accompanied by some followers. He was en route to Patharia in the Damoh district from Sagar.
Jain Yuva Mahasabha's media in-charge Shrikant Jain said that 108 Virag Sagar Maharaj is on the way to attend the Panchkalyana Maha Mahotsav in Pathariya. After a brief stay at Chandra Prabhu Jinalaya (Jain Temple) at Chana Toriya on Sagar Damoh Marg, he left for Pathariya in the early morning amid severe cold. The Jain saint was not alone in his endeavour as many followers of him joined in the Ahimsa Yatra (non-violence march) from Sagar.
He further said that the Panchkalyana Mahamahotsav will be held at Pathariya Viragoday Tirth from February 1 to 15, in the presence of Param Pujya Ganacharya 108 Virag Sagar Ji Maharaj. The auspicious entry of Ganacharya Virag Sagar Ji Maharaj into Viragodaya Tirth will take place on the 6th of January.
Also read: MP: Data scientist Pransuk relinquishes US job, becomes Jain monk