New Delhi: Senior Officers Meeting of the India-US Homeland Security Dialogue was held in virtual mode on Wednesday. Co-chaired by the Home Secretary, Government of India, Ajay Bhalla and Under Secretary for Strategy, Policy and Plans, Department of Homeland Security, Government of USA, Robert Silvers, the meeting was also attended by other senior officials of both the countries.
During the meeting, both sides reviewed the ongoing cooperation and identified further steps that can be taken to explore opportunities and synergies in advancing cooperation in counter-terrorism, cyber security, securing critical infrastructure and global supply chains, maritime security, aviation security, customs enforcement and trade security, among other issues.
Both sides agreed that the existing sub-groups under the Homeland Security Dialogue on law enforcement engagement - securing global supply chains, aviation security, investigative cooperation, and capacity building and training - would meet separately in the coming months to deliberate and explore how ongoing cooperation can be strengthened further.
The meeting concluded with both sides expressing satisfaction with the ongoing partnership and agreeing to deepen bilateral engagement and collaboration in all areas of mutual concern.
The two sides look forward to holding the Ministerial-level Homeland Security Dialogue later this year.