Mumbai: The Mumbai Police Cyber Crime Branch issued a notice to the Former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Devendra Fadnavis on Friday to file a reply in connection with the police transfer scam. Accordingly, Fadnavis was to file a reply on Sunday. However, Devendra Fadnavis held a press conference after the police team recorded the reply of Devendra Fadnavis.
Reacting to the incident, Devendra Fadnavis stated, "A police team recorded my reply in the transfer and posting case. I answered all the questions. For the last six months, the Maharashtra government has been sitting on this case. Actually, I am the whistleblower of this case."
He also alleged that the Mumbai Police was trying to make him a co-accused. Devendra Fadnavis said, "I had held a press conference in Mumbai on March 23, last year as it was alleged that there was massive corruption in transfers and appointments of senior police officers in Maharashtra."
Fadnavis added that he had submitted the relevant documents to the Union Home Secretary. The case was referred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). "As these cases contained the names of IPS officers, I referred the matter to the Union Home Secretary. However, after six months of suppression of the case by the state government, they are now aware of the matter. I haven't in any way violated the Official Secrets Act," Fadnavis further stated.
Also Read: Devendra Fadnavis reaches Home Ministry to meet Home Secretary