New Delhi: The maximum temperature in the national capital on Sunday settled at 30.7 degrees Celsius, eight notches below the season's average, the IMD said, adding light rain may hit the city on Monday. Delhi recorded 1 mm of rainfall in the past 24 hours ending at 8.30 am on Sunday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said. According to IMD, the minimum temperature in the city on Sunday was recorded at 24.5 degrees Celsius, three notches below the average.
The relative humidity oscillated between 96 per cent and 65 per cent. The IMD has predicted generally cloudy skies on Monday with light to moderate rain/thundershowers accompanied with gusty winds speed of around 30-40 kmph. The maximum temperature in the city is likely to hover around 32 degrees Celsius while the minimum temperature will be around 24 degrees on Monday.
On Saturday, the maximum temperature settled at 32.7 degrees Celsius, seven notches below the season''s average, and the minimum at 24.4 degrees Celsius, three notches below average. (PTI)