New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said that thousands of children will gather in Delhi on August 4, and make the largest tricolour in the world. Speaking to the media, the Delhi CM said everyone would have to come together and work in order to make India the greatest country in the world.
"It has been 75 years since our independence, and we are not lesser than anyone. God has blessed India with everything - rivers, mountains, minerals, herbs, crops everything. Indians are the smartest people in the world. Why do we still lag behind?
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Can India lead the world, some people ask me. Why not, how do I respond? I need to ask everyone, what do you think? why can't India rise to become the world's greatest country?" the Chief Minister questioned.
He further urged "all 130 crore Indians to come forward and take the pledge to take India forward. "Traders, farmers, industrialists, job professionals, engineers, lawyers all have to come together," he noted.