New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said the first train to Ayodhya under the 'Mukhyamantri Tirtha Yatra Yojana' will start from December 3. "The first train to Ayodhya will start from December 3. Registrations for the same have opened. One youth can accompany an elderly person," Kejriwal said, during a press conference.
The Kejriwal government added Ayodhya to the scheme on October 27. Under the scheme, elderly people are provided travel by air-conditioned trains and stay in good, air-conditioned hotels free of cost. Besides Ayodhya, pilgrimage sites like Jagannath Puri, Ujjain, Shirdi, Amritsar, Jammu, Dwarka, Mathura, Tirupati, Rameshwaram, Haridwar and Bodh Gaya are also included in the list.
Also Read: Kejriwal announces free Ayodhya pilgrimage for senior citizens of Delhi
The CM also said that Velankanni Church in Tamil Nadu will also be soon listed under the scheme. "Many of our Christian brothers had pointed out that none of their pilgrimage sites were included in the Mukhyamantri Tirtha Yatra Yojana. There is good news for them that Velankanni Church will be added to the scheme soon," he said.