Jaipur: A 15-member team of Delhi Police on Sunday pasted a summon outside Rajasthan minister Mahesh Joshi's house asking his son Rohit Joshi to appear before it by May 18 in an alleged rape case. Earlier on Sunday, the 15-member team of Delhi police had arrived in Jaipur to question Rohit Joshi over allegations of rape. This comes after a zero FIR was lodged with the Delhi police against Rohit Joshi for allegedly raping a 24-year-old woman on the pretext of marriage.
The FIR was lodged at Sadar Bazaar Police station in the national capital. To this, Rajasthan minister Mahesh Joshi said that he has not been contacted by the police yet. He reiterated also that he stands by the truth and will abide by the law. "I will fully cooperate in the police probe." "On the basis of a complaint of rape by a woman, zero FIR has been registered at Sadar Bazaar Police station. The woman has alleged that a man raped her on the pretext of marriage. FIR to be transferred to Rajasthan for investigation," said Delhi police.
The woman alleged that she has also been assaulted. She was in touch with the accused for a long time. The victim has alleged that the accused has her obscene photos and videos, which he recorded while she was in an unconscious state. "On September 3 and 4, 2021, I came to Delhi for an interview. The accused had already reached Delhi. He booked a room for me in a hotel and showed us as husband-wife. He promised me that he would marry me. After this, he raped me on many occasions and filmed it. He had threatened me with dire consequences if I dared to spill the beans. He told me that he is getting a divorce from his wife and that he would marry me. On many occasions, he thrashed me badly and forced me to dance. It was a huge trauma," the victim has stated in the FIR. Meanwhile, the police also came to know that the accused had made an affidavit in which the victim has stated that both are major and have made physical relations of their own will. (ANI)
Also read: Rajasthan minister says 'will abide by law' on son's rape case
With Agency inputs