New Delhi: A Delhi Police constable from Samaypur Badli police station has been booked and suspended for allegedly thrashing a Delhi Fire Services official. The incident was caught on camera and has gone viral on social media.
According to police, the accused Jitendra was riding a vehicle on the wrong side of the road and was asked to stop by a fire services official when the personnel were returning after dousing a fire in Samaypour Badli. This enraged the accused who grabbed a stick from his car to beat the fire officer. In the viral video, Jitendra can be seen in civil clothes pushing and shoving the official with a stick in his hand.
The video was purportedly shot on Thursday evening. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Outer North said the constable Jitendra has been booked under Delhi Fire Services Act and other relevant sections. He further said that that the accused was on leave for three days and departmental action has been ordered against him.