New Delhi: The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Delhi Police on Sunday arrested actress Leena Paul for allegedly assisting her husband Sukesh Chandrasekhar, the millionaire conman accused of defrauding many people to the tune of hundreds of crores of rupees besides extorting money from businessmen too. The Enforcement Directorate has previously interrogated Leena Paul on several occasions.
According to sources, during the course of the investigation, ED officials gathered evidence of her active participation in Sukesh Chandrasekhar's extortion racket. She is suspected of defrauding a number of businessmen and their families.
Sukesh Chandrasekhar was imprisoned in Rohini when he allegedly extorted Rs 200 crore from a businessman's wife by impersonating a central government official over a spoof phone call. Many jail and bank officials have also been arrested for their involvement in his ring.
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When the ED raided Sukesh's sea-facing bungalow in Chennai recently, they discovered over 16 luxury cars, clothes, and fashion wear from top international brands worth crores of rupees. The ED also discovered that Leena was living a lavish lifestyle on Sukesh's ill-gotten money.
Chandrasekhar was arrested in 2017 for allegedly accepting money from TTV Dhinakaran in order to bribe Election Commission officials to get the AIADMK two-leaf symbol for the Sasikala faction in a by-election to the R K Nagar Assembly seat in Tamil Nadu.
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