New Delhi: Two brothers were stabbed by an assailant, who has been staying next door to the former late on Sunday in Subji Mandi locality of Delhi. The accused after having a tiff with the duo over the alleged courtship with a girl threatened both the brothers with dire consequences. Assailant Siddharth alias Munnu then attacked Prince and his brother Mihir with a knife. Both the injured brothers were then rushed to Hindu Rao Hospital. Prince died while undergoing treatment at the hospital while Mihir's treatment has been going on, police said.
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DCP of North Delhi, Sagar Singh Kalsi, "The incident was reported at around 8.20 pm on Sunday under the Subji Mandi police station limits. Police were informed about the incident by the deceased's brother. "A police team was sent to the hospital to inquire about the incident. We learnt that the assailant and the victims are residing in the same locality. They are neighbours. The accused had a tiff with the duo over some ties with a girl. The assailant then threatened them with dire consequences," the DCP added.