Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao's daughter and MLC K Kavitha refuted the allegations levelled by the BJP over her involvement in the formulation of excise policy by the AAP government in Delhi. She condemned the baseless allegations of BJP leaders and accused the BJP leaders of launching a tirade against her father KCR and his family members to exert pressure on him as he was fighting against the Centre.
Also read: KCR kin attended meetings on Delhi excise policy formulation: BJP MP
She has made it clear that she has nothing to do with the Delhi liquor scam and BJP was trying to implicate me as she belongs to the KCR's family. She warned that baseless allegations will not be tolerated and threw a gauntlet at the Centre demanding a probe into the allegations by the Central agencies.
"No matter how much pressure you put on KCR, he will not back down. People of Telangana will not agree if they harass KCR emotionally. They have levelled many allegations against KCR during the Telangana movement. But, he never bogged down. We are fighting on behalf of the people... I am not afraid of anyone. The allegations against me in the Delhi liquor scam are untrue. It is a BJP conspiracy to exert pressure on KCR, who is criticising the Centre. The Centre has investigative agencies in its hands. We are ready for any investigation... we are a family that has fought for carving out a separate state for Telangana."