New Delhi: Delhi LG V K Saxena has directed the Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) to conduct a time-bound probe into the alleged corruption and collusion between transport department officials and touts at the Burari Transport Authority, that was impacting auto-rickshaw drivers, sources said on Friday.
The direction came in wake of the Delhi High Court's order on a Criminal Writ Petition filed by several auto-rickshaw unions of the national capital who alleged large-scale corruption in the RTO and consequent harassment of auto-rickshaw drivers. The LG has directed to complete the investigation and submit a comprehensive report within one month, they added.
The Directorate of Vigilance had examined the matter and observed that the "petitioners have levelled serious allegations of large-scale corruption in the RTO as well as misdeeds that are happening impacting the auto drivers", sources said. "It has been alleged that permits are being transferred in cahoots with the MLO (motor licensing officer) and the RTO (road transport office) officials," they said. (PTI)