New Delhi: The Delhi government with the blessings of Lord Hanuman tries to lessen the troubles of people by working to provide them facilities such as education, health, water, electricity and roads, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Saturday. Attending a 'Sundarkand Paath' and its theatrical presentation, organised by the Delhi government at the Kalibari here, Kejriwal said similar programmes will be held across the city to make people aware and create devotion among them towards Lord Hanuman.
"Hanuman ji is known as Sankatmochan who removes troubles in a family and the country. We are also trying to remove the troubles in the lives of Delhi's people, whether it's education of their children or treatment of someone in their family (the government is provident) water, electricity and roads," he said at the programme. The chief minister also informed the gathering about his government's free pilgrimage scheme, asking people to visit religious places in the country by availing the Mukhyamantri Teertha Yatra Yojana.
Also read: Delhi issues new Covid advisory for schools, asks them to shut if any case reported