New Delhi: The Delhi Police has issued a show-cause notice to a woman head constable and a constable for shooting videos for social media in uniform while on duty, officials said on Tuesday. Officials also said the duo were not adhering to coronavirus guidelines while filming the videos.
According to the notice issued on Monday, head constable Shashi and constable Vivek Mathur of Model Town police station made several amusement videos in uniform and while on duty during the coronavirus lockdown and posted them on social media.
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In one of the videos picturised on a Bollywood song, Mathur was seen not wearing a face mask and the duo violated social distancing norms.
Being members of a disciplined force, their conduct appears to be unprofessional in discharge of their official duties, the notice stated.
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"They are, therefore, called upon to show cause as to why their conduct should not be censured for the above said lapse. The reply to this SCN (show-cause notice), if any, should reach this office within 15 days from the date of its receipt, failing which it will be presumed that they have nothing to say in their defence and the matter will be decided ex-parte on its merit," according to the notice issued by the Northwest district police.
With agency inputs