Jalandhar: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who was on a one-day visit to Punjab on Tuesday, blasted the incumbent Charanjit Singh Channi-led Congress government for allegedly patronising illegal sand mining in the state.
While addressing the media after his arrival at the Amritsar Airport, Kejriwal observed that the political atmosphere was being prepared in Punjab for the upcoming elections in 2022. He took shots at CM Channi, saying illegal sand mining was openly taking place in Chamkaur Sahib, the latter's constituency.
Putting out an estimate of the operations, Kejriwal said that it amounted to about Rs20,000 crores. He also promised that illegal mining would cease to exist once AAP comes to power in the state.
Kejriwal also questioned Channi's role in the mining operations, saying he was trying to figure out whether the Punjab CM "was the owner or was in partnership" when it came to running the operations.
Using the occasion, he also blasted Punjab's former chief minister Amarinder Singh. The AAP chief said that Singh had also, in the recent past, talked about the involvement of several ministers and MLAs in illegal mining.
Meanwhile, while addressing a gathering in Jalandhar, Kejriwal said that ever since his recent announcement of giving Rs.1000 to each woman above the age of 18, the administration has begun targeting him.
Also Read: Kejriwal promises Rs 1,000 per month for women if AAP forms govt in Punjab