New Delhi: Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel Monday questioned the poll pattern for the presidential elections. Speaking to ETV Bharat, Goel said that the worth of votes cast by MLAs and public representatives of Delhi is based on the 1971 census of India and should be amended while the worth of the votes cast by the people representatives should be constant and should follow the 2011 census of India which will help the elections to be democratic.
"There is no role of the Legislative Assembly of any state directly in the Presidential election. The role of the Assembly and the Speaker is so much needed in the Legislative Assembly. Delhi has 70 MLAs, 7 Lok Sabha members, and 3 Rajya Sabha members. A total of 80 votes can be cast by the people's representatives and the value of a public representative's vote in Delhi is considered to be 58. Which is based on the 1971 census. This is not right," he said.
Goel said the government must consider the latest census in this regard. After 1971, new assembly constituencies were formed in every state, and new Lok Sabha constituencies were formed, but the Presidential election is still being held following the 1971 census of India.